There’s no doubt that since I turned 30 (4 years ago…), and had a child, I’ve started to feel…well, older. I never thought my 30s would be so completely different from my 20s (or even the age of 29), yet they have an entirely different feel to them. My 20s were a time of reckless abandon (ok, the really early 20s anyway): college, skipping classes (shhh), part-time jobs, renting, sleeping in as late as I wanted on weekends, spur of the moment road trips with my husband, while my 30s have had a decidedly more grown-up feel to them. In the last 4 years, I have: had a baby, bought a bigger vehicle, purchased a house, started a business, not had a full night’s sleep (can I get an ‘Amen!’ from the mommies out there!), and career-wise, gone from ‘employee’ to ‘manager’. So between all of that and the ‘thank you ma’am’s’ I get from the young whippersnappers at work and various retail establishments, I have been well reminded that time is marching on…ok, and if I’m totally honest, the fact that in my 20s I think I used to look a lot cuter first thing in the morning. As my sister so fabulously put it, “Some mornings I look in the mirror and wonder who that tranny hooker is looking back at me.” I heart her. And it does feel so sadly true many mornings.
So what is the point of this story ramble of mine? Well, getting older for the ladies can be challenging – everything we see on TV and in magazines tells us we need to look youthful and beautiful and vibrant FOREVER. (I mean, have you seen Jaclyn Smith/Christie Brinkley/Demi Moore lately? They look better at 50+ than I do at 34 – it’s hard for a girl out here!!) All of this combined with the lines we swear weren’t there yesterday can diminish even the most confident 30+ woman’s self esteem.
But then there are days like today, when you get a chance to see yourself through someone else’s eyes, someone who doesn’t see the fine lines and pores and ‘maybe if I sucked in a little’ that you do. My daughter and I were getting ready in the bathroom this morning and she asked for a little sparkle powder - my girl, she loves the sparkle! – and as I leaned toward her to put it on, she asked me for what I had on behind my eyelashes. Thinking she meant mascara, I asked, “Do you mean what’s on my eyelashes?” She replied, “No, what’s behind it, on your eyes.” I told her I didn’t have anything on my eyes yet. She looked at me, confused, and said “Then how do you look so pretty?”
And with 7 little words, my little girl changed my whole day.