Some very dear people to me/previous clients of mine are facing something I can’t even imagine…their Dad has just recently been diagnosed with cancer. It’s one of those situations where the people on the outside that care about you feel pretty helpless, because there is seemingly little any of us can do to change things or make it better.
And it got me thinking…after watching my husband suffer the loss of his Dad almost five years ago, the thing I got stuck on in the immediate aftermath was trying to find as many photos or videos of his Dad as I could, so that he would have something, anything, that felt the slightest bit tangible to hold onto. Because while you have memories, you don’t realize the true loss of not having the physical person to touch, hug, or even just to be able to see their face and hear their voice until you’re actually faced with it.
It also reminded me that you can never, NEVER have too many photos of the people in your life that you love the most and love you back.
So what can I do? I can use what I have to give someone else what will hopefully be some great photos and memories to add to their collection. In light of that, I am so pleased to announce that I will be doing a Family Photo Session Giveaway – and you can enter, starting today!
So, how will this work? You can nominate yourself, a co-worker, a neighbor, friends, or anybody you think would benefit from or enjoy a family photo session. Nominations are due by August 31st, 2013 at midnight. The winner will be chosen at random by a third party. So how do you nominate someone? All you need to do is email me at with the subject line Family Photo Giveaway and tell me a little bit about your family.
The following information needs to be included in the email:
1. Names and ages of those being nominated (this information will not be shared)
2. Nominee’s phone and email address
3. Nominator’s phone and email address (if not nominating yourself)
4. A little bit of information about the family being nominated!
Terms + Conditions:
*Prize includes a 1-hour family photo session, done on location – this can be at their home, a park, or somewhere that is special to them.
*Prize includes a disc and online gallery of images with printing rights from the session. Any prints and/or albums are additional.
*Closing date for entries is August 31st, 2013 at midnight.
*The winner will be chosen at random by a third party, with the winner being announced on September 2nd, 2013.
*1 entry per family.
*The photo session must take place within North Dakota. Nominees can be from outside of North Dakota, but would be required to travel to North Dakota for the photo session. Transportation costs outside of 75 miles of Minot must be covered by the winners.
*Winners must allow their images and story to be featured on any/all of the following: TG Photography’s website, blog page, and/or Facebook page. Only the first initial of any child’s name will be used to refer to them in the photos.
So, get online and start nominating. I cannot wait!
*As a sidenote : I would define a family as any group of people that love each other. You don't have to be married and your kids could be of the fur-baby variety. Families come in all forms. Love is love is love.