Saturday, April 6, 2013

Have you ugly-cried today?

No? Well then, grab some tissues and click on the link to the video below! Truly one of the most beautiful and heart-wrenching father-daughter dances I've ever seen, captured so incredibly by LaFrance Films. I am fairly certain I would have been crying so hard no amount of Image Stabilization in my lenses could compensate.

This bride's father had passed away before her wedding, so her brother and the men in her life wanted to do something special for her. This is love.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Chicken Noodle Soup as a Family Legacy

Yesterday at work we were talking about how things change once you become a parent, how the weight of being reponsible for another life completely alters your decision-making. Things you did when it was just you, or even just the two of you, are not the same choices you make once you're a parent.

Knowing that the decisions you make for your child can impact their entire life, their personality, their beliefs, the very person they become - that's no small thing. Because even little things that seem insignificant can have a lasting effect.

Today, for instance, Marc and I are both feeling ill and are home together. When it came time to think about eating, the first thing that came to mind is the same exact thing I eat every time I'm not feeling well - chicken noodle soup and a cheese sandwich. The reason? That's what my mom always made me when I was sick as a child.

To me, chicken noodle soup and a cheese sandwich equals comfort. And I make the same thing for my daughter when she's not feeling well. Maybe someday she'll find herself doing the same for her own children...and think of me.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Friday Favorites?

Ok, so this is late for my Friday Favorites post, but I think funnies are just as good on a Monday. Maybe even better. I think we all could use a laugh on Mondays. Here are my faves from the interwebs this week...

This one made me giggle like a little kid hearing a dirty joke for the first time.


Perhaps the biggest truth in my life.

Also truth. LOL.

I mean, come on. A puppy in PAJAMAS? I die of the cute. 

SO me. Just so you know. :)