Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Chicken Noodle Soup as a Family Legacy

Yesterday at work we were talking about how things change once you become a parent, how the weight of being reponsible for another life completely alters your decision-making. Things you did when it was just you, or even just the two of you, are not the same choices you make once you're a parent.

Knowing that the decisions you make for your child can impact their entire life, their personality, their beliefs, the very person they become - that's no small thing. Because even little things that seem insignificant can have a lasting effect.

Today, for instance, Marc and I are both feeling ill and are home together. When it came time to think about eating, the first thing that came to mind is the same exact thing I eat every time I'm not feeling well - chicken noodle soup and a cheese sandwich. The reason? That's what my mom always made me when I was sick as a child.

To me, chicken noodle soup and a cheese sandwich equals comfort. And I make the same thing for my daughter when she's not feeling well. Maybe someday she'll find herself doing the same for her own children...and think of me.

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